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- Joseph of Arimathea, the rich man that took the body of Jesus and buried him was prophesied prior to the event. If God was so particular about the poor, He would have had the poor bury Jesus; but He clearly chose Joseph to show that His plan for wealth and riches is that we can be called on to be a helping hand to someone in need.
- Jabez prayed “Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.” (1 Chro 4:10) You cannot have an enlarged coast without influence and affluence in varying degrees. God honored his prayer.
- ObedEdom was a man that God blessed/increased with riches and favor when he took the ark of God into his house.
- All of these examples clearly show that God will purposely bless (note definition) and increase people who serve Him and walk according to His will. Everyone who walked with God was blessed, increased or transformed for good. God has clearly given us examples in His word (for referencing). We cannot remove from it.
Quit the Poverty Mentality
Matt. 19:24 – Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”The rich man in this case was not following Jesus Christ when Jesus called him. He was already wealthy and had everything he needed so asking him to drop all of that and follow Jesus became hard for him to do. But the blessings, riches or wealth that the servant of God receives as they keep focused on God cannot cannot be compared with this example. In the case of those who have a healthy relationship with God, they have already entered the Kingdom of God, unlike the rich man who hadn’t entered yet. These men and women of God who want to serve God with all that they are can manifest richest and wealth to the glory of God and to be a blessing to others. God will readily increase anybody whom He knows would be a blessing to others.
Poverty is A Choice
2 Cor. 8:9 – For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.Why would anyone want to live in poverty if Christ came to take it away? Jesus became poor that you might be rich so you should refuse to be in poverty of any form. He has already died and freely given us riches by taking on our poverty so anyone who wants to remain in poverty makes the choice to do so.
Deut. 8:18 – But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.God gives power to get or make wealth; and He does this to establish his covenant that he sware unto thy fathers…as we also see in Genesis 22:17. God has already sworn, even to Abraham, to bless and multiply his descendants. This is a covenant that still stands. The scriptures cannot be broken (John 10:35). So if a person wills to be used of God to be a blessing to others, God will readily increase them.
“That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;
Psalm 113:7 – He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;Some people use Psalm 113:7 to argue over this topic but they fail to see a clear picture of what God is saying. Psalm 113:7 was first declared in 1 Sam. 2:8 and it states:
1 Sam. 2:8 – He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD’S, and he hath set the world upon them.The question you should ask yourself is where does He raise and lift them up to? This verse clearly speaks of raising the poor and the needy out of penury and poverty. He lifts them up to sit among princes and to inherit the throne of glory. Among princes and glory is riches, wealth, gold, etc.
John 12:8 – For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always.Poverty is not in the state of a man but first in his mentality, the way he thinks. If he changes his thinking, his state of living will also change. John 12:8 clearly confirms that there will always be people with the poverty mentality so if you find yourself here, it is a choice or stay there or ask God where He wants you to be.
The Rich Man & Lazarus
“There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine
linen, and fared sumptuously every day…”
From Luke 16:19-31, we see that this rich man was
extravagant, he entailed great expense, as from choice materials,
fine work, etc. He was wasteful, no relationship with God, and was
also prideful in his riches. These are not qualities or fruits that
are found in true believers who are focused on serving God and doing
His will.
Don’t Short-Change Yourself
Don’t short change yourself because of false prophets or false teachings. That the prosperity message is being preached by false prophets does not mean God’s agenda for you to prosper has ceased. He is the same God yesterday, today and forever; hence His plan for you to prosper still stands, He never changes because of the wicked things that men do.Waste Will Not Be Tolerated
Throughout scripture, we see that God does not like waste. Prov. 30:8-9 says “don’t make me poor lest I steal and don’t make me rich lest I be full and deny thee” [paraphrased]. So you can actually get to a point where riches and wealth can lead you astray as mentioned earlier…thus we should be more concerned about God’s plan for us, rather than pursue after wealth and riches.Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the Lord? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain. (Prov. 30:8-9)Warning!! If wealth and riches will hinder you from entering heaven, you are better of without them. But if you will humble yourself and do His will, God blesses or increases those who serve Him and His glory can also been seen in their life through wealth and riches received from the Lord.
Be Content!!
The same way God teaches through experiences (of poverty), is the same way He teaches us through riches and wealth, of abundance…but the ultimate place is not to remain poor or in poverty. Hence, it is not for us to focus on riches or wealth or poverty, but first in contentment. That is, do not pursue after riches or wealth, just stay focused on God according to Matthew 6:33. Like Paul said, I know what it is like to be poor and I know what it is like to abound [paraphrased]. Paul knows what it is like to be poor and he also knows what it is like to be rich/wealthy. So he understand both world and knows the plan of God concerning his life, hence his contentment.Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.9Philippians 4:11-13)“The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death.” Prov. 21:6.
The above verse speaks of wisdom. This verse clearly shows that there are means to getting treasures or wealth, etc. You can get it the wrong way (lies, deceit, etc) or you can get it right way (trusting God, from God, God)
Job 2:10 says … “shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?…” For this reason someone may say it is good for us to receive and live in poverty. Well, we should be open to receive anything that God wants to give us, but the point is God is not in the business of sending you evil but GOOD. Even Jesus made this clear in the Lord’s Prayer “…deliver us from evil…” Besides, God wasn’t the one afflicting Job, God only gave the devil permission to do what he wanted to do. Besides, any affliction, including poverty, should only last for a moment (2Corinthians 4:17) and not for your entire life. If you ‘ve to learn through that then there comes a time when you learn through poverty (as God wills) and then grow on to maturity…so that having experienced poverty & riches, you can be a more mature believer. But this is still not God’s choice, He just wants us to understand that the most important thing is seeking the kingdom & not seeking after these things.
However, those who God chooses to serve a purpose to others are not under affliction. Basically, if God has destined it so in the life of a particular individual in other to paint a picture to others & to teach people who are not content with what they have to be content, then for such an example to have any meaning to someone else, this believer should still be comfortable in that situation. They shouldnt’ be begging and in lack…because the righteous is not supposed to beg for bread (Psalm37:25). The scriptures CANNOT be broken.
Also remember Christ became poor that ye through His poverty might be rich –2Corinthians 8:9 So do you mean Christ died to give you everything in life and yet, you decide to remain in poverty? Is that your way of saying thank you to all He did? Of course not! If wealth, riches and money wasn’t God’s plan or agenda for His people then why do the following scriptures defend wealth, riches and money for good and for those who seek after God?
Psalm 89:34,
Zach 1:17,
Pro 30:8-9,
Psalm, 112:3,
Job 36:11 & 22:21, 24,
Isaiah 48:17,
Joel 2:23,
Ek 7:12,
2 Corinthians 8:9
Some Reasons Why God Doesn’t Mind You Having Riches
The heart of a man who loves God is centered on God so even if you give him 1 million dollars today, he would most likely give 90% or more of it to the poor, to build shelter homes, to feed the hungry, etc. Basically he is not the first priority and God sees his heart and knows what he would do with the money even before he receives it.
The Kingdom of God needs money in order to
advance. The wealth and riches that God blesses you with is not
for your selfish gain but for you to give others, help, and give
towards the expansion of the kingdom of God. If you begin to keep
the riches for you alone, then you are not walking according to His
will and before long the riches will disappear. But whatever God
gives you remains; however if you try in your own strength, in the
end, it profits nothing. 1 Corinthians 13.
Some Reasons Why People Can’t Receive
First, if you want to remain in poverty, you can never be increase. As far as your eyes can see, you can have (Genesis13:15)…so if you think poverty is God’s choice for you then you will remain there.Many people want to receive but they are never willing to give. It is a law, the giver is the one that receives. The more you want to receive and refuse to give, the more you will run dry of resources, money, etc.
Example: If I want to give yousomething and your hand is closed, how will you collect it from me?It’s the same way, God says “open your hand and give” so thatyou can receive!
Remember the paycheck or what you worked for is God’s. He has given you the power to receive income every month, thus you should be willing to release or give out when He asks you to…whether it is in Tithe, helping others, offerings, towards Kingdom Projects, etc.
g. Below are a few things to consider and exercise during this journey.
Do not eat the seed you are supposed to plant: your seed is your tithe. Consider this: it is the same way a farmer eats what he would, invests or sells what he would, and then puts away his seed for the next planting season. A farmer harvests crops for the family/to eat (1), then he has what he sells or invests (2), and then he keeps seed for next planting season (3).
The same applies to you, you eat some of your income, invest, save, or give (another way of investing); and then you plant the seed aside (tithe).
If the farmer eats his seed, he would have nothing to plant, and in turn, have no harvest. Eventually, he would go hungry, broke, poor and nothing to look forward to, in fact, he would ‘ve to beg.
Sadly many people are constantly eating their seed, and then having to beg by borrowing from someone or using credit cards to pay for something, an offering, etc; …before long, things would only get worse. Why? Well, if a farmer begs for seed to plant, how would he pay back the seed he borrowed? Either he hands over all of the harvest or makes a deal with the lender to share the harvest. He would never be able to repay the same exact seed he collected from the lender & there is no guarantee he can pay back unless there is a harvest.
Simply put, if you eat your seed, you ‘re on your way to borrowing, lack & want; and if you do not plant a seed, you are not entitled to a harvest. For this same reason many are not getting any harvest.
In addition, God rebukes the devourer for your sake when you do this. Forget about what people are saying about tithing or no tithing, you are running this race on your own and nobody will eat for you. Search for the truth yourself, just do your part, focusing on God and see Him manifest Himself. READ Malachi 3:10.
Be a giver: give freely, help others, sow into the life of others and do it knowing that you are lending to God and the Lord will pay you back. As you have been given, so also give. READ Proverbs 19:17, Luke 6:38. Every giver is empowered to give. If you struggle with giving, then you need to ask God to empower you and be willing to release that which you have when God asks you to.
When you give, give with love otherwise it profits nothing. Basically you can give all you want, if there is no love in it, you will not receive anything. 1 Corinthians 13 says whatever we do, we should do in love. Don’t just give for selfish reasons or for increase but give in love. Many people say the bible says “give and it shall be given unto you” but remember that the same measure you give will be given unto. Basically if you give grindingly, you will receive grudgingly. If you give sparingly, you will receive sparingly.
Give with wisdom: There is also wisdom in love. As you are giving, remember it is not everything you give towards. For example, if you got moved by your love for a fundraiser and gave towards it and later found out that the money raised was used to buy guns to kill people, then yo just contributed towards that, even though it may not have been your intent. So you need to learn to ask God, speak with Him and get the go ahead to give towards anything.
Give towards the work of God: The advancement of the Kingdom is one of the reason why God blesses us with wealth. The more you give and take care of His business, the more He will take care of your needs. Remember to give because you love God and are eager to do His will, not because someone tells you to. READ Matthew 6:33
Speak & Confess it: When and if you believe something, you will speak it. In the same vain, you will speak forth what you want concerning your finances and the more you do it, the more you will see what you say. Confess what you want concerning your finances and exercise patience to see it come to pass. Be empowered with the spirit of faith to say the things that you believe!
Money is a spirit, do not pursue it, command it: do not pursue after money by putting so much effort into getting it but instead do the bit you can and focus on God for a runaround. Command money to serve you instead of you running after & serving money. When you do this, the money that is supposed to serve you cannot serve you anymore. This is a spiritual law. But as you speak it, it builds in the spirit and eventually manifests in the physical. READ Hebrew 1:14
Do not give out of necessity or because you want to impress people but from what you have purposed in your heart. READ 2 Corinthians 9:7 JOIN HERE
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